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The Stranger (2016)

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First Released

Calendar Icon 2016


Genre Icon Pop-Punk


Mood Icon Energetic


Style Icon Punk


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Release Format

Release Format Icon EP

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Speed Icon Roadrunner Records

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Album Description
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"The Stranger" is the third extended play (EP) by English horror punk band Creeper. Recorded at The Ranch Production House in Southampton with producer Neil Kennedy, it was released on 19 February 2016 by Roadrunner Records. The EP was the band's first release to chart, reaching the top ten of the UK Rock & Metal Albums Chart.
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User Album Review
Media response to The Stranger was generally positive. Reviewing the EP for DIY magazine, Tom Connick described that it "harbours a playful musicianship and songwriting talent that could turn groups ten times Creeper's age green with envy", praising Creeper's development on the EP from their previous releases. Awarding it a perfect score of five stars, Alec Chillingworth of also compared The Stranger favourably to The Callous Heart, highlighting "Misery" and "Astral Projection" and hailing the release as being "as good as rock music gets". In June 2016, Kerrang! featured "Black Mass" in its feature of "The Best Songs of 2016 So Far". Writer Paul Travers praised the track as "a supernatural goth-punk stalker with a bassline to kill for" and compared it stylistically to the work of My Chemical Romance, AFI and Misfits.

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