Album Title
Mahala Rai Banda
Artist Icon Mahala Raï Banda (2005)
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First Released

Calendar Icon 2005


Genre Icon World/Ethnic


Mood Icon Cheerful


Style Icon International


Theme Icon Late Night


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Speed Icon Crammed Discs

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Album Description
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Shaped in the Gypsy Ghettos (mahala) around Bucharest, Mahala Rai Banda (literally Noble Band from the Ghetto), combine a surprising array of trends and styles. However, once you delve down into the history of the place, surprise gives way to fascination as all the pieces slowly fit together.

Formed by two people closely related to the Taraf De Haidouks (violinist/arranger Aurel Ionita and Taraf musical director Stephane Karo), Mahala Rai Banda gravitates around two poles, a family core close to that of Taraf De Haidouks, and retired soldoers originally from Moldavia.

The former are the sons of the generation that left the little village of Clejani to settle down in The Ghettos on the outskirts of Bucharest, nephew of the late Neacsu. They are between 20 and 25 years old who have grown up playing music and, having avoided the pitfalls of drugs and gangs, make living by playing at Romanians' weddings. Living on the outskirts of a city, they have been doused in modern culture which gives their otherwise traditional repertoire a pop twist.

Gypsy as well, but from Moldavia near the Ukraine, the latter have been in the army all their lives. They enrolled at the age of 14, as this was the only way their parents could guarantee them a decent education. Under the communist regime, everyone was a comrade, an equal in theory. But in reality things were quite different. A darker tone of the skin due most likely to a gypsy heritage was enough to send these youngsters into the seemingly futureless musical ranks. There they learned to play a codified folklore of a songs and dances, and also took in depth classes of musical theory. At the height of Ceaucescu's reign, there were 30,000 musicians in the Romanian army, playing at public ceremonies and official governmental events. Now retired and on a small pension, the Mahala Rai Banda brass players were discovered performing in a German restaurant in Bucharest.

An army-trained brass band versus young city-dwelling traditional Gypsy musicians definitely guarantees for a blend quite extraordinary!
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