Album Title

Grateful Dead

Anthem of the Sun (1968)

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First Released

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Genre Icon Psychedelic Rock


Mood Icon Energetic


Style Icon Rock/Pop


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Album Description
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Anthem of the Sun is the second Grateful Dead studio album, released in 1968. It is the first album to feature second drummer Mickey Hart, who joined the band in September 1967. In 2003, the album was ranked number 287 on Rolling Stone magazine's list of the 500 greatest albums of all time.

Drummer Bill Kreutzmann's description of the production process succinctly describes the listening experience of the unique album as well: "...Jerry and Phil went into the studio with Healy and, like mad scientists, they started splicing all the versions together, creating hybrids that contained the studio tracks and various live parts, stitched together from different shows, all in the same song - one rendition would dissolve into another and sometimes they were even stacked on top of each other...It was easily our most experimental record, it was groundbreaking in its time, and it remains a psychedelic listening experience to this day."
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