Album Title

Tom Jones

Reload (1999)

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First Released

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Genre Icon Pop


Mood Icon Good Natured


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Album Description
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Reload is an album by Welsh singer Tom Jones, released in 1999. After a lengthy career, and a notable absence from the music charts for several years, he resurrected his career with this album of fifteen cover versions, a new version of one of his own songs ("Looking Out My Window," 1968), and one original track ("Sexbomb") recorded as duets with current artists. To ensure that the finished product retained the sound of these artists, he also recorded the tracks in the same studios these artists used, and also used their record producers.

Reload became the highest seller of Jones' career, reaching #1 on the British charts in 1999 and again in 2000. Its biggest single was the collaboration with Mousse T, "Sexbomb", which reached #3 on the UK Singles Chart, and was later used in an episode of The Simpsons (a show Jones had guest starred on in 1992). The album has sold more than six million copies worldwide. The album was not released immediately in the US with Jones's US record company stating that many of the artists were not known outside of the UK. Jones announced plans to record additional tracks with well-known US artists to prepare the album for US release. This did not occur
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