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First Released

Calendar Icon 1998


Genre Icon Progressive Rock


Mood Icon Dreamy


Style Icon Rock/Pop


Theme Icon ---


Speed Icon Medium

Release Format

Release Format Icon Remix

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Sales Icon 0 copies

Album Description
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The remix of this one is sparse throughout. "Cluster One" has a nice drum machine beat throughout. "What Do You Want From Me" "Marooned" and "Poles Apart" are nice ambient excursions. "A Great Day for Freedom" and "Take it Back" are peppy interpretations that have pleasurable subtle parts throughout. Both "Wearing the Inside Out" and "Keep Talking" are wasted opportunities. "Wearing the Inside Out" only samples Dick Parry's sax solo with out much of a new feel. "Keep Talking," which in its original form is very ambient to begin with, is in word terrible. This song has so much potential here, but even Rick Wright's amazing keyboard solo is absent. "High Hopes" is the best track. Lots of spacey echo effects throughout especially on Gilmour's voice. Both "Lost for Words" and "Coming Back to Life" are left off. Proceed with your ears open and skeptical
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