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Artist Icon #hits (2013)
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First Released

Calendar Icon 2013


Genre Icon Electronic


Mood Icon Quirky


Style Icon Rock/Pop


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Release Format Icon Compilation

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Sales Icon 0 copies

Album Description
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Doing just what it says on the tin (except for the hashtag bit), #hits is the first compilation of British rapper Elliot Gleave's singles, covering the years 2007 to 2012 and the albums from Won't Go Quietly to The Evolution of Man. It's an easy way to catch up on the numbers the fans know by heart, and while the liner notes, album title, and lack of new material all point the the rapper's non-involvement, the track list flows sensibly, mixing up the artist's different eras rather than just running chronologically. All in all, it's a way for the rapper to leave the Ministry of Sound label and move on to his new home of Epic Records, so forgive the faceless compiling and just be glad Example's singles are as numerous as they are infectious, making comps like this rewarding no matter how thrown together.
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