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First Released

Calendar Icon 2012


Genre Icon Progressive Rock


Mood Icon Carefree


Style Icon Rock/Pop


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Speed Icon Medium

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Release Format Icon Compilation

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Speed Icon Columbia

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The Electric Light Orchestra (ELO) are a British rock group from Birmingham, England, who released eleven studio albums between 1971 and 1986 and another album in 2001. ELO was formed to accommodate Roy Wood's and Jeff Lynne's desire to create modern rock and pop songs with classical overtones. After Wood's departure following the band's debut record, Lynne wrote and arranged all of the group's original compositions and produced every album.

Despite early singles' success in the United Kingdom, the band was initially more successful in the United States, billed as "The English guys with the big fiddles". They gained a cult following notwithstanding initial lukewarm reviews in their native UK. By the mid-1970s, they had become one of the biggest-selling acts in music. From 1972 to 1986, ELO accumulated 27 Top-40 hit singles in both the UK and the US, with 20 Top 20 UK singles and 15 Top-20 US singles. The band also holds the record for having the most Billboard Hot 100 Top 40 hits, 20, of any group in US chart history without ever having a number one single.

ELO collected 19 CRIA, 21 RIAA and 38 BPI awards, and sold over 50 million records worldwide during the group's original 13-year period of active recording and touring.

Tempting as it may be, it's not quite accurate to call Jeff Lynne the rock & roll George Lucas, a technophile who can't resist tweaking his famous older work to bring it up to modern standards. Unlike Lucas, Lynne doesn't paint over his original work, turning it into something vaguely reminiscent of the past: with Mr. Blue Sky: The Very Best of Electric Light Orchestra, he simply re-creates his old arrangements with new technology. There are no reinterpretations of these ten hits -- 12 on the bonus edition, with "10538 Overture" and "Point of No Return" added to the collection -- Lynne has simply set out to re-record the originals so they sound brighter, clearer, and a shade bigger. And he's succeeded. If you're listening casually, it can be pretty easy to mistake these for the originals. Lynne's voice is in good shape, the harmonies are layered precisely, he's replicated old-fashioned analog synths and lifted compression, so Mr. Blue Sky simply feels clean and renewed, the familiar contours buffed so they sparkle. Whether this is enough for fans to trade in their original ELO hits album in favor of this crisp new model is simply a matter of taste -- many may prefer the heavily compressed analog originals, as that's what they grew up with; after a quiet decade, hardcore fans will certainly treasure any new Lynne music, even if it is merely a revival -- but this is by no means an embarrassing stroll down memory lane. It can be quite fun, actually, even if it is somewhat baffling.
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