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Com Lag: 2plus2isfive (2004)

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First Released

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Genre Icon Alternative Rock


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Style Icon Rock/Pop


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Speed Icon XL Recordings

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COM LAG (2plus2isfive) is the sixth extended play (EP) by English rock group Radiohead, released in March 2004 in Japan and Australia. It is a compilation that collects many of the B-sides from the singles released in support of their 2003 album Hail to the Thief, also including remixes by Cristian Vogel and Four Tet.

The EP was first released in Japan and Australia on 24 March 2004, followed with a release in Canada on 13 April 2004 and finally released in the United Kingdom on 16 April 2007 and in the United States on 8 May 2007. This album has been released with the Copy Control protection system in some regions.

The original Japanese pressings of the EP had a mastering error on the seventh track "Skttrbrain", which caused loud static to be heard in the left channel four times throughout the song. The EP was recalled by EMI/Toshiba, and the error was fixed in later releases.

The speech bubble on the cover says "はい、チーズ。" ("Hai, chiizu."), akin to the English phrase "say cheese". The quote on the back cover of the album "I travelled all over the world. I stayed in the best hotels, visited the best beaches and I had access to beautiful women, champagne and caviar. No, I don't regret a minute of it." is from the spy John Symonds.

In an interview with the Radiohead fansite, artist Stanley Donwood, who has designed all artwork for the group since 1994, said of the cover: "We added a Dutch influence by imagining a range of Delftware that featured despotic sperm monsters and genetically modified bears. Also, the packaging will have a very shiny varnish. Like a glaze. I would like to make an entire range: tea pot, gravy boat, etc.- more tea, vicar?"
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