Album Title

Barbra Streisand

Till I Loved You (1988)

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First Released

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Album Description
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Till I Loved You is a studio album by American artist Barbra Streisand, released on October 25, 1988 on Columbia Records. The album was particularly notable both for its thematic structure (its eleven songs chronicle a romance's beginning, middle and end) and its high-budget production, as many guest writers, producers and musicians participated during its making – Burt Bacharach and Carole Bayer Sager offered three brand new songs to the album, Quincy Jones produced "The Places You Find Love" and Luther Vandross and Dionne Warwick among others added backing vocals to the track. Also, the title track (a Top 40 hit in the Billboard Hot 100) was a duet between Streisand and her then-boyfriend, actor Don Johnson.
After two successful projects with The Broadway Album – Streisand's 1985 return to her stage roots – and One Voice – her first full-length live concert recorded in September 1986, which was issued on both disc and video with benefit purposes, Barbra Streisand decided to make a return to the pop scene. Till I Loved You was conceived as a lushly romantic album, with a particular concept – it followed the stages of a relationship from the beginning (in songs like "The Places You Find Love") to the end ("Some Good Things Never Last"), and then wrapped up the theme with a positive song about the future ("One More Time Around").

Many writers, producers and musicians appeared on the album, making of the album a high-budget project as happened with Streisand's previous pop mainstream project, 1984's Emotion.

The opening song, "The Places You Find Love" was produced by Quincy Jones. Later, the song appeared on his own album Back on the Block, which received a Grammy Award for Album of the Year in 1991. Streisand's version featured an all-star backup group - background vocals were credited to Luther Vandross, Dionne Warwick, James Ingram, Howard Hewett, Jennifer Holliday, Peggi Blu, Clif Magness, Siedah Garrett and Edie Lehman. On Back on the Block's version, Siedah Garrett sang the first verse and chorus, followed by Chaka Khan singing the second verse. Jones utilized the same arrangement and background singers for his album, and also incorporated some African chanting during the bridge and climax of the song. "The Places You Find Love" was the only time Barbra and Quincy Jones have worked together (until "We Are The World 25 (For Haiti)" in 2010).
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