Album Title

Michelle Branch

Everything Comes and Goes (2010)

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First Released

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Genre Icon Pop-Rock


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Style Icon Rock/Pop


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Release Format

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Speed Icon Verve

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Album Description
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Everything Comes and Goes is an EP by Michelle Branch, released to her official website on July 16, 2010, and was released at iTunes on August 27, 2010.

The EP was recorded at Starstruck Studios, Soundstage Studios, and Nashville Noise in Nashville, Tennessee as well as Henson Studios in Hollywood, California and New York Noise, from 2008 to 2009. The EP was dubbed as a 'bonus album' by the singer herself. It spawned one single, "Sooner or Later" which became a minor commercial hit, peaking at #93 on the US Billboard Hot 100 and #46 on the US Billboard Hot Country Songs chart. Everything Comes and Goes was intended to be released as a full album consisting of 13 tracks, including a duet with Dwight Yoakam on a song titled "Long Goodbye". However, due to changes at Warner Bros. Records, the album's release date was pushed back multiple times and ultimately was released as an EP. Several intended album tracks from the original record, including "Long Goodbye", "Texas In The Mirror" and "Take a Chance On Me", were later released individually as free downloads for a limited amount of time. On a live webchat to fans on May 26, 2011, Branch revealed a previously unreleased track from Everything Comes and Goes, "Through the Radio" would be included on her new studio album West Coast Time as a hidden track - however, the album remains unreleased due to label issues.
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