Album Title

The B-52s

Mesopotamia (1982)

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First Released

Calendar Icon 1982


Genre Icon New Wave


Mood Icon Cheerful


Style Icon Rock/Pop


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Release Format

Release Format Icon EP

Record Label Release

Speed Icon Warner Bros. Records

World Sales Figure

Sales Icon 0 copies

Album Description
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Mesopotamia is an EP by new wave band The B-52s. It was produced by David Byrne of Talking Heads and was intended to be the band's third studio album. Due to conflicts with Byrne and record label pressure, recording sessions were aborted prematurely and only six of ten songs to be completed were released as an EP. The record was distributed as a vinyl record by Warner Bros. in the US and by Island Records on both CD and vinyl in the UK and other non-US markets.

The original Island Records vinyl release in the UK contained different mixes of all the songs, three of which ("Loveland," "Cake" and "Throw That Beat in the Garbage Can") were drastically different and substantially longer than the American release. This was an error, and the LPs were quickly recalled and reissued with the correct versions of Cake and Garbage Can reinstated - however the extended Loveland remained. The Island CD release was the same as the American LP due to the band's request. However, the US release of the CD, a twofer released in 1991 called Party Mix/Mesopotamia, includes a newly remixed version of Mesopotamia that is different to the original US LP (largely panning differences - and in some cases, sounds very different - most obvious on "Deep Sleep").

Mesopotamia is considered a departure in style for The B-52s; Byrne and the band inserted a large amount of additional instruments, vocal overdubs, horns, synthesizers, layered percussion and an altogether richer sound. A larger emphasis was placed on production after the raw sound of their debut album The B-52s and the slightly more polished sound of their second album, Wild Planet.
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