Album Title

Billy Idol

Don't Stop (1981)

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First Released

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Genre Icon Post-Punk


Mood Icon Crazy


Style Icon Rock/Pop


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Album Description
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Don't Stop is Billy Idol's first solo record. Released in the US in 1981, it contains a version of Tommy James and the Shondells UK #1 "Mony Mony," that would become a later hit for him as a live version in 1987.

It also contains the song "Dancing with Myself", which had previously been a commercially unsuccessful single release for Idol's former band Gen X in the United Kingdom in 1980. "Dancing With Myself" (from that band's LP Kiss Me Deadly) was not re-recorded for the Don't Stop EP release but was remixed from Gen X's 6:05 minute long extended version of the song, and edited down into 4:50 minutes, from which a drum solo and chorus section were removed.

"Untouchables" is another Gen X song taken from the 1980 album Kiss Me Deadly, which was re-recorded for Don't Stop.

The EP peaked at #71 on the Billboard 200 and generated considerable anticipation for the full-length album Billy Idol, released the following year.
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