Album Title

10,000 Maniacs

MTV Unplugged (1993)

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First Released

Calendar Icon 1993


Genre Icon Alternative Rock


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Style Icon Rock/Pop


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Release Format

Release Format Icon Live

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Album Description
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MTV Unplugged is a 1993 live album by 10,000 Maniacs, recorded for the MTV Unplugged series. It was the last album by the band with Natalie Merchant as vocalist. In addition to the songs released on this album, four takes of "How You've Grown" were recorded, second takes of "Because the Night" and "Gold Rush Brides", a brief take of "Puff the Magic Dragon" and three other songs with David Byrne as a guest singer: "Let the Mystery Be" (two takes, one of which was released as a B-Side to "Few and Far Between" and on Campfire Songs: The Popular, Obscure and Unknown Recordings), "Jolene" and "Dallas".
10,000 Maniacs
Jerome Augustyniak – percussion, drums
Rob Buck – acoustic guitar
Dennis Drew – organ, piano, pump organ, Hammond organ
Steve Gustafson – acoustic bass guitar
Natalie Merchant – vocals, piano
Additional musicians
Bill Dillon – acoustic guitar, mandolin, slide guitar
Morgan Fichter – violin, backing vocals
Amanda Kramer – organ, pump organ, piano
Kim Laskowski – bassoon
Jerry Marotta – percussion
Mary Ramsey – viola, backing vocals
Atsuko Sato – bassoon
Jane Scarpantoni – cello
Rich Stearns – banjo
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