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First Released

Calendar Icon 1987


Genre Icon Alternative Rock


Mood Icon Gritty


Style Icon Rock/Pop


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Release Format

Release Format Icon EP

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Speed Icon Infectious Music

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Sales Icon 0 copies

Album Description
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Come On Pilgrim is the debut mini-LP release by the American alternative rock band Pixies, released in September 1987 by 4AD.

The original 1987 UK release entered the UK indie album chart on October 24, 1987, spending 29 weeks on the chart and peaking at number 5. Come On Pilgrim failed to secure distribution in the United States when it was first released. It was released in the United States in August 1988, when Rough Trade included it on their CD release of their first full-length album Surfer Rosa. At the same time, the two releases were issued on separate vinyl records by Rough Trade. Also in August 1988, 4AD released Surfer Rosa and Come On Pilgrim on CD together in the UK. This has been the standard UK CD release ever since, only being out of print for about six months in 1998. Subsequent U.S. CD releases have split them in two.

In 1992, Elektra Records issued Come On Pilgrim and Surfer Rosa on separate CDs in the US. After 4AD re-acquired the band's US distribution rights in 2004, they were again released on CD separately; this version of Come On Pilgrim was the first CD release to carry the 4AD catalogue number (MAD 709). The album received far more attention from the British music press than in the United States. It was reviewed in Q Magazine, Sounds and NME.
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