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If You Want Blood You've Got It (1978)

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First Released

Calendar Icon 1978


Genre Icon Hard Rock


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Style Icon Rock/Pop


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Speed Icon Atlantic

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If You Want Blood You've Got It is the first live album by Australian hard rock band AC/DC, originally released in the US on 21 November 1978. All songs were written by Angus Young, Malcolm Young and Bon Scott.
The album was recorded live during the 1978 Powerage Tour and contains live versions of songs from T.N.T., Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap, Let There Be Rock, and Powerage. It is the last Bon Scott-era AC/DC album produced by Harry Vanda and George Young, who also produced the band's first five studio releases. The album was listed at #2 on Classic Rock magazine's readers' poll of "50 Greatest Live Albums Ever".
The album was re-released in 1994 on Atco Records and in 2003 as part of the AC/DC Remasters series.
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User Album Review
AC/DC was fast becoming one of rock's top live acts by the late '70s. Few others could match the band's electrifying live performances: Angus Young's never-ending energy and wise-ass antics, Bon Scott's whiskey-soaked vocals, and the rest of the band's penchant for nailing simple, yet extremely effective and memorable, riffs and grooves. While most other rock bands of the era were busy experimenting with disco or creating studio-perfected epics, AC/DC was one of the few specializing in raw and bluesy hard rock, as evidenced by 1978's live set, If You Want Blood You've Got It. Recorded during their world tour in support of their Powerage album, If You Want Blood contains many of AC/DC's best compositions up until that point: "Bad Boy Boogie" (complete with the break-down section in which Young would "strip"), "The Jack," "Problem Child," "Whole Lotta Rosie," "High Voltage," "Let There Be Rock," and "Rocker." Strangely, their early anthem "Sin City" was not included, and there's a slight sense of studio enhancement on certain tracks. While the first disc of the 1997 box set Bonfire is the best document of live Bon Scott-era AC/DC ("Live From the Atlantic Studios"), If You Want Blood You've Got It is highly recommended.

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