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Track List
01) Intro/Sabam
02) Hear Say
03) Bike
04) Ratiug
05) Guitar
06) Mistakes
07) Uprane
08) Sam
09) Sum


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First Released

Calendar Icon 2012


Genre Icon Funk


Mood Icon ---


Style Icon Rock/Pop


Theme Icon ---


Speed Icon ---

Release Format

Release Format Icon Album

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Sales Icon 0 copies

Album Description
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PBX Funicular Intaglio Zone is the tenth solo album by John Frusciante, released on September 12, 2012 in Japan, and on September 25, 2012 internationally on Record Collection. The album was released in multiple formats, including CD, vinyl, 32-bit digital formats and cassette.

Self-produced by Frusciante, the album was preceded by the EP Letur-Lefr (2012) and the free download "Walls and Doors".

Frusciante spoke about this album and his previous album Letur-Lefr by saying "I consider my music to be Progressive Synth Pop, which says nothing about what it sounds like, but does describe my basic approach. I combine aspects of many styles of music and create my own musical forms by way of electronic instruments. The tracks on Letur-Lefr are from 2010 and PBX was made in 2011. Letur is a compilation, a selected portion of music I made that year while PBX was conceived as an album, the songs having been recorded in succession. The records are very different from each other."

On 15 August 2012, the song "Walls And Doors" was released as a free download via Frusciante's official site. Frusciante added that this song marks the point at which he began combining 60s and early 70s production styles with modern electronic production; as well as balancing pop music with abstract forms of music; which further allowed him to combine the pop part with the more adventurous part of himself.
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