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Another Lesson in Violence (1997)

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First Released

Calendar Icon 1997


Genre Icon Thrash Metal


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Style Icon Metal


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Speed Icon Fast

Release Format

Release Format Icon Live

Record Label Release

Speed Icon Century Media

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Sales Icon 0 copies

Album Description
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Another Lesson in Violence is a live album by the American thrash metal band Exodus.

This album comes after a large line-up change for Exodus. Paul Baloff, who originally left in 1986 after the release of Bonded by Blood, makes a return on vocals. Tom Hunting returns after leaving just before the Fabulous Disaster tour in 1989 due to illness. This is also Exodus's first album to feature Jack Gibson on bass. Robb Flynn of Vio-lence and Machine Head makes a guest appearance on "A Lesson in Violence".

In early 1998, a few months after the album was released, the band went on their second hiatus which lasted until 2001. In the following year, not long after the band had made their second reunion, long time Exodus frontman Steve "Zetro" Souza made a return to the band due to the death of Paul Baloff, brought on by a stroke.

This was the band's first collaboration with Andy Sneap, who produced the live album; he would produce, engineer, mix or master all of Exodus' albums, starting with, and including, Tempo of the Damned (2004).
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