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First Released

Calendar Icon 2008


Genre Icon Metal


Mood Icon Fun


Style Icon Metal


Theme Icon Scary Music


Speed Icon Fast

Release Format

Release Format Icon Album

Record Label Release

Speed Icon Century Media

World Sales Figure

Sales Icon 0 copies

Album Description
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In August 2007, Zimmers Hole signed with Century Media Records for the release of the band's third studio album. Stroud and Simon said:

Now with Zimmers Hole signing a fresh, new deal with Century Media, we have decided to give this band our full and undivided attention. No more 'side-project' status here; the men of the HOLE are fired up like a city on fire and we entered Vancouver's famed Armoury Studios today to begin tracking the new release. As you can see, it's all about having a good time with the HOLE. Make no mistake though, we are very serious about our love of metal; it made us who we are, and we wear our influences on our sleeves proudly. We are now more focused than ever before and are so excited about the new album. So excited in fact, that the combined length of our erections may just reach out and touch ya!

Shortly after, drummer Steve Wheeler left the band, and in December 2007 was replaced by Gene Hoglan, another former Strapping Young Lad member. Hoglan joined in time to start recording the new album. With this roster, Zimmers Hole includes three former Strapping Young Lad members, and Townsend is involved as vocal producer. The band entered Vancouver's Armoury Studios in the same month to record the album. When You Were Shouting at the Devil... We Were in League with Satan was released on March 11, 2008, through Century Media Records.

In an interview with MTV on April 2008, Valagao explained the origin of the album's name:

I believe David Vincent of Morbid Angel was having a conversation with one of the guys from Forbidden," he recalled. "They were drinking and fucking around, and they got into this argument over who's more metal. The dude from Forbidden, at one point, turned to Dave and said, "Dude, when you were shouting at the devil , I was in league with Satan ," and Jed was in the room and picked up on that. So we started saying it as a joke. That little statement applies to a whole bunch of shit. Basically, "When you were a poseur, I was the real deal".
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