Album Title

Adorned Brood

Hammerfeste (2010)

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New Folk Metal bands have been popping up everywhere since the genre began to acquire the favour of the large labels. ADORNED BROOD is not one of them. This band from North Rhine-Westphalia has been in existence since 1993 and can therefore be counted as veterans in this fairly young genre. “Hammerfeste” is their seventh album, but two members are new since the last record, “Noor”. So, after this brief introduction to the band, how do they sound? They are rooted deep in the speedy Folk/Viking Metal sound with male choirs and a few folk instruments taking precedence over the lead guitars. You have heard it before, from bands like SVARTSOT, HEIDEVOLK, KORPIKLAANI and SUIDAKRA. Those are all qualitative bands, so I definitely don’t mean this in any condescending way.

However, a sound can be performed in different ways even if the main features are the same. ADORNED BROOD use a fairly mellow flute and some keyboards as main melody creators and the guitars are instead mostly used to drive the rhythm and tempo along with the bass. Different vocals are used, but Markus Frost is responsible for almost all vocals on this release. Most of them consist of Black Metal shrieking, which I regrettably think is a bit weak and too shrill for my taste. In the choruses he does clean singing in a deep voice and that works better, even though he is no great vocalist in that respect either.

The shrieking in the verses turn me off a bit and the flute is a little too dominant. I like when the guitars are used extensively (or exclusively) in Folk/Viking/Pagan Metal (look to MITHOTYN for the best example). The production is great though and it keeps the listener’s attention by giving a crisp and clean sound. The choruses are the highlights of the record, partly because Markus Frost sings instead of shrieks and partly because ADORNED BROOD have managed to create chorus catchiness better than verse flow. I must, however, complain about the lyrics, as well. They are silly, with forced rhymes and all clichés that this genre has to offer.

All in all, ADORNED BROOD could have been one of the new bands of the Folk Metal scene, because I can’t find any aspect that is wholly their own. They need to find some inspiration for concepts that are not taken from the “Average Pagan Metal Band Formula." There are some strong songs on here, though, such as “In Battle”, “Death In Disguise” and “Lead My Ship." That proves that this band has musical potential, but I still think that this release lacks inspiration.
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