Album Title


White Feathers (1983)

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First Released

Calendar Icon 1983


Genre Icon Synthpop


Mood Icon Happy


Style Icon Rock/Pop


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Speed Icon Medium

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Release Format Icon Album

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Speed Icon EMI

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Sales Icon 0 copies

Album Description
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"Too Shy" was one of the flimsiest singles of the new wave era, a cloying and catchy bubblegum tune disguised as synth pop. And yet, Kajagoogoo never quite matched those heights again -- in fact, they rarely even came close. Their debut album, White Feathers, is filled with similarly lightweight synth pop like "Magician Man," "Ooh to Be Ah," "Ergonomics," "This Car Is Fast," and the theme song "Kajagoogoo." All of these are pleasantly danceable in a sub-Duran Duran fashion, but they are also frequently inane and ridiculous, and are of no use to anyone but hardcore new wave fetishists.
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User Album Review
"Too Shy" was one of the flimsiest singles of the new wave era, a cloying and catchy bubblegum tune disguised as synth pop. And yet, Kajagoogoo never quite matched those heights again -- in fact, they rarely even came close. Their debut album, White Feathers, is filled with similarly lightweight synth pop like "Magician Man," "Ooh to Be Ah," "Ergonomics," "This Car Is Fast," and the theme song "Kajagoogoo." All of these are pleasantly danceable in a sub-Duran Duran fashion, but they are also frequently inane and ridiculous, and are of no use to anyone but hardcore new wave fetishists.

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