Album Title

Skid Row

40 Seasons: The Best of Skid Row (1998)

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First Released

Calendar Icon 1998


Genre Icon Heavy Metal


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Style Icon Metal


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Release Format

Release Format Icon Compilation

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Album Description
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40 Seasons: The Best of Skid Row is a compilation album released by Skid Row in 1998, which includes the chart topping singles: "18 and Life", "I Remember You" and "Youth Gone Wild". Lead singer Sebastian Bach left the band due to personality differences. After Bach's departure, the remaining band members continued with a new lineup.
The compilation features songs from the first three Skid Row studio albums Skid Row, Slave to the Grind and Subhuman Race. The tracks "Into Another", "My Enemy" and "Breakin' Down" were remixed for this album with more tender, slightly cleaner mixes, presumably so they fit more suitingly with the other tracks. It also included two unreleased tracks, one from the 1988 Skid Row sessions, and one from the 1990-91 Slave To The Grind sessions.
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