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First Released

Calendar Icon 2001


Genre Icon Alternative Rock


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Release Format Icon Live

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Speed Icon XL Recordings

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I Might Be Wrong: Live Recordings is a 2001 live album by English rock band Radiohead. It consists of live performances of eight songs recorded on a tour of Europe and North America, including seven songs from their albums Kid A and Amnesiac. The final track, "True Love Waits", was never released on a studio album and is performed on acoustic guitar by Thom Yorke.
The live arrangements differ somewhat from the studio versions. For instance, "The National Anthem" opens with radio transmissions, has a harder "fuzz bass" guitar sound and lacks the horns and free jazz ending of the studio version; "I Might Be Wrong" emphasizes the rhythm section and is more of a rock tune; "Morning Bell" is driven by Phil Selway's live drums rather than a drum machine; "Idioteque" builds into a frenzied audience singalong; "Dollars and Cents" replaces strings with synthesisers and ends with a guitar coda not heard on the album; while "Everything in Its Right Place" is about three-and-a-half minutes longer, and makes use of improvised effects on a Korg Kaoss Pad.
Most drastically altered for live performance is "Like Spinning Plates". The studio-recorded Amnesiac version featured backwards singing over a pulsing electronic backdrop, while the live version is a piano ballad accompanied by sparse bass notes and a string synth. This recording also marks the first time "Like Spinning Plates" was performed live, at Blossom Music Center in Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio in August 2001. (The CD is apparently mislabeled and does not mention this performance as a source of the recording. Differing information about the recordings used on the live album can be found at Green Plastic).
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