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First Released

Calendar Icon 1989


Genre Icon Funk


Mood Icon Energetic


Style Icon Urban/R&B


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Release Format

Release Format Icon EP

Record Label Release

Speed Icon Warner Bros. Records

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Sales Icon 0 copies

Album Description
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"Scandalous!" is a smooth, romantic ballad by Prince, released as a single from his 1989 album, the soundtrack to Batman. The song continues a long tradition of Prince's sexually charged ballads, with gasped, passionate vocals on lyrics such as "I can't wait till I can wrap my legs all around U." The track features a drum machine and synthesizers, which sample Clare Fischer's orchestra. The music is attributed to Prince and his father, John L. Nelson.
The Scandalous Sex Suite, released three days later, transforms the song into a three-part suite. "The Crime" is a seductive conversation between Prince and Kim Basinger with various lyrics from the song interspersed. "The Passion" features the main song with new lyrics sung over the original lyrics. "The Rapture" includes a long guitar solo before finishing up the conversation from part one.
The B-side, "Sex", is a minimalist funk number featuring mainly a drum machine loop, a repeated synth hook, and bass guitar. The song lyrics state that safe sex is preferable, and sex with multiple partners can lead to death. The song was co-written with bassist Levi Seacer, Jr. The 7" single received the Lovesexy song, "When 2 R In Love" as its B-side; the song was also included on The Scandalous Sex Suite.
"Scandalous!" replaced "Still Would Stand All Time" as Batman's main ballad and love theme. The discarded song would later end up on Graffiti Bridge. Composer Danny Elfman adapted elements of "Scandalous!" into his Batman film score, in which it served as a love theme.
As Prince's final single released in the 1980s, "Scandalous!" reached No. 5 on the U.S Black Singles chart but didn't touch the US Hot 100.
Due to licensing issues with the Batman franchise, Prince was not allowed to include songs from this album on any compilations. Even on concert T-shirts listing Prince's albums, the Batman title was replaced by the song "Scandalous!".
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