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LeftRightLeftRightLeft (2009)

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First Released

Calendar Icon 2009


Genre Icon Pop-Rock


Mood Icon Relaxed


Style Icon Rock/Pop


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Release Format

Release Format Icon Live

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Speed Icon Parlophone

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Sales Icon 0 copies

Album Description
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LeftRightLeftRightLeft is a live album by British alternative rock band Coldplay, released at 9:00 am GMT on 15 May 2009. The album was given away for free at all of the remaining concerts on the Viva la Vida Tour and was available as a free download on the band's official website. However, the album was pulled from the band's website before the release of Live 2012. Within six days, the album was downloaded 3.5 million times.

Regarding the limited release, Chris Martin states that: "Although it's live, it's supposed to be a real album, part of our canon. Y'know, as well as being a gift move, it is also a musical move. It's meant to say that this is what we sound like at the moment."

The purpose of the free album was to show gratitude to fans. The band stated that "playing live is what we love" and that the album is "a thank you to our fans – the people who give us a reason to do it and make it happen."
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