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Cyborg Slunks (2007)

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First Released

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Genre Icon Avant-Garde


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Style Icon Rock/Pop


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Album Description
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Cyborg Slunks is the twenty-first studio album by Buckethead, released on October 30, 2007. The music features Buckethead accompanied by the "Cyborg Slunk Percussion Ensemble conducted by Albert".

The album's release was announced in October 2007 along with two other albums: another solo album called Decoding the Tomb of Bansheebot, and a collaboration with drummer Brain called Kevin's Noodle House. Despite all three albums being released on the same day, each album is completely different from the other in the style and feel of the album. DTB consisting of mainly heavy riffs and not many guitar solos while Slunks contains numerous guitar solos with limited drum sounds and KNH being very experimental with an electronic influenced feel.

Cyborg Slunks was initially released as a limited-edition version of 800 copies with each cover numbered and hand drawn by Buckethead, just like the massive box-set In Search Of The, the Death Cube K album DCK, and the re-release of an early demo tape called Bucketheadland Blueprints earlier that year. All the tracks appeared untitled in the limited-edition version.

In December of the same year, a standard-pressed, non-limited edition was made available through the label's website, TDRS Music, where each track was named. The artwork of the non-limited edition was made available for download on the site, for those who had purchased the numbered limited-edition versions. The liner notes include a short story about the album with all the track titles, except for the track "Aunt Suzie".
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