Album Title


Crime Slunk Scene (2006)

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First Released

Calendar Icon 2006


Genre Icon Avant-Garde


Mood Icon ---


Style Icon Rock/Pop


Theme Icon ---


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Release Format

Release Format Icon Album

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World Sales Figure

Sales Icon 0 copies

Album Description
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Crime Slunk Scene is the eighteenth studio album by Buckethead, and the fourth tour-only album. It was originally only sold on his 2006 tour, but was later made available on Travis Dickerson's record label TDRS music, until it eventually went out of print. The track "Soothsayer" has become one of Buckethead's more popular songs, and is very frequently played live.

The demand for the album was still very high, and eventually Travis Dickerson decided to attempt a re-pressing of the disc. However, as future projects took up a lot of time, fans were asked to pre-order the re-pressing of Crime Slunk Scene, with no set date for when the album would be re-released. When the pre-orders got to a certain amount, the re-pressing of the album was OK'd. Eventually, the album has been re-pressed on Apr 12 2007. By February of 2012, the album once again went out of print, and has yet to be repressed.

In 2009, Dickerson used the same process to re-press the albums A Real Diamond in the Rough and Slaughterhouse on the Prairie.

The song "King James" was made available for free download along with the songs "Lebron" and "Lebron's Hammer" from the 2009 album Slaughterhouse on the Prairie, in honor of the 24th birthday of the basketball player LeBron James.
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