Album Title


Kaleidoscalp (2005)

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First Released

Calendar Icon 2005


Genre Icon Avant-Garde


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Style Icon Rock/Pop


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Release Format

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Album Description
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Kaleidoscalp is the fifteenth studio album by avant-garde guitarist Buckethead. Some of the songs on the album use instruments and effects that have been circuit bent to create sounds quite unlike anything previously heard on Buckethead albums.

Released on John Zorn's Tzadik label, the album features Zorn as executive producer. The album features the song "The Android of Notre Dame" which is a tribute to Pantera's guitarist Dimebag Darrell who was killed during a concert. The song was first called "Dime" (nickname of Darrell) and was released shortly after the incident on his web page without any cost and later released on the album with tracks of circuit-bent instruments added to it. "The Android of Notre Dame" is also a homage to a collection of Japanese gore films called "Guinea Pig", with one of the films being named the same as the song.

Although very studio-based, a number of these songs have been performed live, where Buckethead improvises and noodles with effects over a drum track.

In January 2009 he released the album Slaughterhouse on the Prairie, which includes a second part to the song "Rack Maintenance".
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