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Push (1988)

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First Released

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Style Icon Rock/Pop


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Album Description
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Push is the debut album by British pop band Bros and was released in 1988. The album spawned five hit singles, including the reissue of "I Owe You Nothing" which reached No. 1 in the UK Singles Chart in June 1988. The album reached No. 2 in the UK Albums Chart and spent 54 weeks in the Top 75. The album went 4× Platinum in the UK. In late 2013, a 25th Anniversary 3 CD remastered and expanded edition of the album was released on the Cherry Red record label. The song "Silent Night", originally released as a double A-side single with "Cat Among the Pigeons", featured for the very first time on the Push expanded edition.

With the release of Bros' first single, "When Will I Be Famous?," the answer was not so much when (immediately) but how long (not very). Slick production and even slicker marketing saw Bros rule the U.K. for two spectacular years during the late '80s -- when the dust settled the disposable pop left behind had lost much of its fizz. Matt Goss' delicate vocals coat the light and highly danceable "When Will I Be Famous?," which stands out as an excellent example of late-'80s pop, along with the number one U.K. smash "I Owe You Nothing." Plenty of frothy fun covers the few low spots, equally matched by the overall lack of depth. The closing ballad, "Cat Among the Pigeons," hints at a more rounded talent, but Push makes for far better dancing than listening -- an album that will be most enjoyed by those who remember Bros' short-lived halcyon days.
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