Album Title

The Hooters

Zig Zag (1989)

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First Released

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Genre Icon Rock


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Style Icon Rock/Pop


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Album Description
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Zig Zag is the fourth studio album by American rock band The Hooters and was released in 1989.

With Zig Zag, The Hooters moved toward a more political and folk music direction, contrasting significantly with their previous light-hearted songs. On this album, the songs dealt with the death of a friend, the demise of vinyl records and intrusion of technology, homelessness, a tribute to their own friendship, and even Beijing's Tiananmen Square protests of 1989.

One of the songs, "500 Miles", featuring folk music trio Peter, Paul and Mary on background vocals, dated back to the American Civil War when it was called "Ruben's Train". Additional lyrics were written for the song by keyboard player Rob Hyman, guitarist Eric Bazilian and the album's producer, Rick Chertoff. These lyrics included a reference to Tank Man, or the Unknown Rebel, an anonymous man who became internationally famous when he was videotaped and photographed standing in front of Chinese military tanks and preventing their advance during the Tiananmen Square protests on June 5, 1989.

"Give The Music Back" dealt with the demise of Record Plant Studios, a famous recording studio in New York City, where The Hooters would be among the last musicians to record there before it closed down in 1988.

Zig Zag was the third and final album The Hooters released on Columbia Records.
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User Album Review
The Hooters

Eric Bazilian: lead vocals, lead and rhythm guitars, stringed and wind instruments
Rob Hyman: lead vocals, acoustic and electric keyboards
John Lilley: guitar
Fran Smith Jr.: bass guitar, vocals
David Uosikkinen: drums

Additional musicians

Peter, Paul and Mary: background vocals on "500 Miles"
Joel Dubay and Todd Haug: background vocals on "Don't Knock It 'Til You Try It"
Rick Chertoff: trumpet on "Don't Knock It 'Til You Try It"

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