Album Title

Jamie T

Panic Prevention (2007)

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First Released

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Genre Icon Alternative Rock


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Style Icon Rock/Pop


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Speed Icon Virgin EMI Records

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Album Description
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Panic Prevention is the Mercury Prize nominated debut album by Wimbledon-born singer-songwriter Jamie T, released in the United Kingdom on 29 January 2007. The album is so-called because of the panic attacks Jamie suffered as an adolescent. Most of the songs on the album deal with aspects of modern 'youth' culture in the UK (for example binge drinking), and as such has been strongly compared to the works of The Streets, Lily Allen and The Libertines. Three singles have been released from the album prior to its release: "Sheila", "If You Got The Money" and most recently "Calm Down Dearest". As of December 2007, the album has sold over 159,400 copies in the UK.
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User Album Review
There's been hype aplenty in the build up to the debut album of South London singer-songwriter Jamie T. Several singles and a plenitude of live dates have whetted the appetite of ardent fans waiting for this big-label release. Fear not followers, the time spent chalking off the days was well worth it. And for those who still remain clueless, sit down, pour yourself a drink and enjoy this intoxicating debut. Fulfilling his promise to keep it real, Panic Prevention is a beautifully scrappy record piecing together tales of nights, fights and plenty of pints in a way that make you yearn for a piece of the action.
Made in his bedroom, inspired by his mates, and cleverly punctuated by random sound-bites, the twelve tracks combine to make a riotous mix of punk, rap, reggae and folk. Billy Bragg, The Streets and The Libertines all spring to mind, but Jamie arguably stakes a claim to his very own genre.
“Back In The Game” illustrates exactly where Jamie T has come from - one man, an acoustic bass and a poetic tale which stumbles along and occasionally falls over. Since then, a full band, The Pacemakers, has been added to flesh out Jamie's sound, particularly in the live department – and with mixed results. Where "If You Got The Money", "Calm Down Dearest" and "Operation" make good use of the extra attention, others seem a little too glossy. There is definitely a case for live favourites "Sheila" and "Salvador" to have been kept in their original stripped-down state.
That said, the addition of the band has given Panic Prevention a more varied feel, and Jamie’s vocals are always on mark – even if his less-than-dulcet tones will prove off-putting for some.
Crack open a can, raise a glass or just go and see him live; Jamie T is well worth toasting in 2007.

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