Album Title

Peter Gabriel

Peter Gabriel (1977)

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First Released

Calendar Icon 1977


Genre Icon Progressive Rock


Mood Icon Poignant


Style Icon Rock/Pop


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Peter Gabriel is the first studio album produced by Bob Ezrin, This album is often referred to as Peter Gabriel 1, Car, or Rain, referring to the album cover by Peter Christopherson, The car was a Lancia Flavia.
Gabriel and Ezrin assembled a team of talented musicians, including Robert Fripp of King Crimson, to record the album. Upon the album's release, Gabriel began touring with a seven-piece band under his own name.
Nick Kent, writing in the NME in 1978, described the album as "a fine record with at least one 24-carat irresistible classic in Solsbury Hill and a strong supporting cast of material that, all in all, in a year besmeared with great albums was, in retrospect, sorely underrated."
The album went to #7 in UK and #38 in the USA.
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