Album Title

Big Country

The Crossing (1983)

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First Released

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Genre Icon Rock


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Style Icon Rock/Pop


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Album Description
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The Crossing is the first studio album released by Scottish band Big Country. The album reached #3 in the UK; overseas, it hit #4 in Canada on the RPM national Top Albums Chart and #18 in the US on the Billboard 200 in 1983. It went on to be certified platinum in the UK and Canada. It contains the song "In a Big Country" which is their only U.S. Top 40 hit single. The song featured heavily engineered guitar playing, strongly reminiscent of bagpipes; Adamson and fellow guitarist Watson achieved this through the use of the MXR Pitch Transposer 129 Guitar Effect. Also contributing to the band's unique sound was their use of the e-bow, a device which allows a guitar to sound more like strings or synthesizer.

The album has been remastered and reissued on three occasions. The latest version released in 2012 includes a second disc of previously unissued demos and included in the set is a track produced by Chris Thomas from the first abortive attempt to record the band's debut "The Crossing". The demos include the earliest recordings done by Adamson and Bruce Watson some of which were recorded on 4 track prior to recruiting either a drummer or bassist for the band.

The set also includes a booklet with interviews (new in the case of the current band members and archived in the case of the late Stuart Adamson). Lyrics for all of the key songs are also included and the album has been remastered by Paschal Byrne from the original master tapes.
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