Album Title

The Stranglers

Written in Red (1998)

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First Released

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Genre Icon New Wave


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Style Icon Rock/Pop


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Album Description
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Written in Red is the thirteenth studio album recorded by The Stranglers. It was produced by Gang of Four's Andy Gill.
The media launch-party for Written in Red was held on 13 December 1996 at EuroDisney in Paris, and featured live performances of tracks from the effort. Other tracks performed at the event include "Always the Sun", "Golden Brown" and "Let Me Introduce You to the Family".
The week the album was released, the band performed at several HMV branches including those located in Birmingham, Nottingham, Sheffield and Leeds.
"In Heaven She Walks" was the only single to be taken from the album, released on 3 February 1997. The single was in two parts: the first CD featured a sleeve similar to the Written in Red cover, with a track listing of: "In Heaven She Walks", a live version of "Golden Brown" from 1995, and an extended version of "In Heaven She Walks". The second CD sleeve featured a still from the video; the tracks were "In Heaven She Walks", and live versions of "Grip" and "Something Better Change" (also from 1995).
It was the first Stranglers studio album that failed to reach the Top 40 in the UK Albums Chart, peaking at No. 52 in February 1997.
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