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Bring Heavy Rock to the Land (2012)

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First Released

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Genre Icon Heavy Metal


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Style Icon Rock/Pop


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Speed Icon Frontier Records

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Bring Heavy Rock to the Land is the seventh studio album by Norwegian singer Jørn Lande's solo band Jorn.

The album was released in June 1, 2012 in Europe and June 5, 2012 in North America. The album promise was to deliver another slab of classic Hard Rock with Metal elements, as said by Jørn himself: "I think this album follows a similar JORN-tradition like those before, more Heavy Rock oriented than Metal" (...) "But as usual it's not one musical expression all the way through the album, but a variety of musical landscapes within the categories of Rock and Metal".

The lineup sees the return of guitarist Jimmy Iversen who appeared on last Jorn studio album Spirit Black.

The album also features two cover songs such as Christopher Cross’ "Ride Like the Wind" and a new version of Masterplan's song "Time To Be King" that is featured on Masterplan 2010 album of the same name (which saw a brief return of Jørn Lande as their vocalist).

Jørn comments about the cover versions "When we wrote "Time To Be King" I heard a different and more rock oriented arrangement in my mind" (...) "so after the Masterplan album was released I couldn't stop thinking about how it would sound if it was recorded with this other arrangement. I don't know which one's better, I have ended up liking both versions. As to Christopher Cross, I have always loved "West Coast" oriented music and bands like 10cc, Pages, Santana, Little River Band, Eagles and so on. So I thought "Ride Like The Wind" would be a good song to do Jorn style. Saxon also released a version of this song in the 80's, and the arrangement we made ended up being a mix between the original version and Saxon's. It's also a fun song to sing and play".

The title track "Bring Heavy Rock to the Land" was released as a single worldwide on May 14. A videoclip for the song was directed by Thomas Tjäder (Pretty Maids, In Flames) who was also the director of Jorn previous videoclip for the track Song for Ronnie James. The video was released in May 16, 2012 and features all members of Jorn, except guitarist Jimmy Iversen.

It was also released a videoclip for the bonus track "Live and Let Fly" with all members of Jorn, except guitarist Tore Moren.

This album is the last one to feature longtime guitarist Tore Moren and bassist Nic Angileri, as both announced the departure from the band after playing in a few concerts on the supporting tour of the album.
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