Album Title
Metal Church
Artist Icon The Dark (1986)
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First Released

Calendar Icon 1986


Genre Icon Heavy Metal


Mood Icon Gritty


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Release Format

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Speed Icon Elektra

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Sales Icon 0 copies

Album Description
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The Dark is the second full-length album released by American heavy metal band Metal Church. It was released on October 6, 1986 on the Elektra label and was the last album featuring the group's classic lineup of David Wayne, Kurdt Vanderhoof, Kirk Arrington, Duke Erickson, and Craig Wells. 1999's Masterpeace album reunited the former four, with John Marshall replacing Wells.
Metal Church's excellent debut had impressed critics and fans alike with its ferocious blend of classic metal and thrash. But by the time they released its follow-up, 1986's The Dark, the band seemed to be struggling with their direction and wrestling with internal problems. The fact that they were collectively one of the most unattractive bands ever (even by heavy metal standards) didn't help matters either, especially in image-conscious America, so it was no surprise when the band's appeal remained firmly confined to the metal underground. Which is too bad, since The Dark's first half contained some of the group's best material, including the brutal intensity of "Start the Fire" and "Method To Your Madness," as well as what was probably their best-known song, the astoundingly heavy epic "Watch the Children Play." Extensive touring with Elektra labelmates Metallica had also motivated the band to develop their thrashier inclinations, resulting in vicious moshers like "Ton of Bricks" and "Over My Dead Body." Too bad they couldn't maintain this clip for the album's second half, which pretty much stalls after the moderately interesting title track. And sadly, there would be no shot at redemption, as Metal Church would soon have to deal with a number of career-crippling lineup changes which would splinter the original group for almost 15 years.
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