Album Title

Billy Idol

Rebel Yell (1983)

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Album Description
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Rebel Yell is the second album by British punk rock artist Billy Idol, released in 1983. It was very successful with four singles on the U.S. Hot 100 charts, while the album reached #6 on the U.S. Billboard 200 album charts. The album has been certified by RIAA 2x platinum and by BPI silver.

The album reunited the hit-making team of Billy Idol, Steve Stevens and Keith Forsey, after their success with Idol's 1982 solo debut, Billy Idol. The title track was recorded in only three days at the Electric Lady Studios in New York City. According to the VH1 show Bands Reunited, Scandal drummer Thommy Price was playing in a nearby studio during this time and was recruited by Idol and Stevens to record on this album. Price subsequently left Scandal to join Idol's band.

All of the singles, but particularly "Rebel Yell," "Eyes Without a Face," and "Flesh for Fantasy" were hit music videos on MTV.

In 1999, EMI re-issued the album as part of their "Expanded" series. The new version of the album included previously unreleased bonus tracks and expanded liner notes. In 2010, audiophile label Audio Fidelity re-issued a 24-karat CD, remastered in HDCD by Steve Hoffman.
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