Album Title

The Cure

Entreat (1990)

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First Released

Calendar Icon 1990


Genre Icon Alternative Rock


Mood Icon Gritty


Style Icon Rock/Pop


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Release Format Icon Live

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Speed Icon Fiction Records

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Entreat is a live album by The Cure, recorded at London's Wembley Arena in July 1989. It consists entirely of songs performed from the band's 1989 record Disintegration; while they were on their international Prayer Tour. Entreat was distributed exclusively in France as a promotional tool. When bootlegs began to surface, however, the album was given a limited European release.
"Entreat" was also given away free by HMV stores in the UK to customers who purchased two CDs from the band's back catalogue.
The last two tracks were released in 1989 as b-sides to the US version of "Lullaby". "Fascination Street", "Last Dance", "Prayers For Rain", and "Disintegration" were also included as b-sides on the "Pictures of You" CD single.
The re-release of Disintegration in 2010 featured a remastered and remixed version of Entreat, entitled Entreat Plus because it featured all twelve songs from the album, including the four excluded from the original. It was the first time the album was released worldwide, though it had already been released on CD before.
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