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Moonmadness (1976)

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First Released

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Genre Icon Progressive Rock


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Style Icon Rock/Pop


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Album Description
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Moonmadness is an album released in March 1976 by English progressive rock band Camel. It was their fourth album and the last to feature the band's original line-up (Latimer, Bardens, Ferguson, Ward). After the success of the tightly structured, instrumental The Snow Goose in 1975, the band added vocals to their music again.

The album has an overall theme, just as their previous one did, but doesn't follow a storyline since it's mostly based on the band members themselves. As written in the CD Booklet: Overall, the tracks comprising the album were conceived as a loose concept based on the individual personalities that made up Camel; "Air Born" about Andrew Latimer, "Lunar Sea" about Andy Ward, "Chord Change" about Peter Bardens and "Another Night" about Doug Ferguson. The cover was designed by Field.

The last song on the album, "Lunar Sea", ends with a minute-long wind-blowing effect. When played on an LP, the record arm would skip during the end of this part and naturally return to the beginning of the effect, playing it endlessly.
In the Q & Mojo Classic Special Edition Pink Floyd & The Story of Prog Rock, the album came number 23 in its list of "40 Cosmic Rock Albums".
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