Album Title
Brian Eno
Artist Icon Ambient 1: Music for Airports (1978)
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Track List
01) 1/1 Flame icon
02) 2/1 Flame icon
03) 1/2
04) 2/2

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First Released

Calendar Icon 1978


Genre Icon Experimental


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Style Icon Electronic


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Album Description
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Ambient 1: Music for Airports is an ambient album by Brian Eno released in 1978.Music for Airports was the first of four albums released in Eno's "Ambient" series, a term which he coined to differentiate his minimalistic approach to the album's material and "the products of the various purveyors of canned music".

Notice of similarly quiet, unobtrusive music had been given on albums such as Another Green World, Evening Star, Discreet Music, Music for Films and Harold Budd's The Pavilion of Dreams (which he produced), but in this album it was given precedence as a full-blown concept.

The music was designed to be continuously looped as a sound installation, with the intent to diffuse the tense, anxious atmosphere of an airport terminal. Eno conceived this idea while being stuck at Cologne Bonn Airport in Germany in the mid-1970s. He had to spend several hours there and was extremely annoyed by the uninspired sound atmosphere.
It was installed at the Marine Air Terminal of New York’s LaGuardia Airport for a brief period during the 1980's.
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