Album Title

In Flames

Colony (1999)

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First Released

Calendar Icon 1999


Genre Icon Death Metal


Mood Icon ---


Style Icon Metal


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Release Format

Release Format Icon Album

Record Label Release

Speed Icon Nuclear Blast

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Sales Icon 0 copies

Album Description
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Colony is the fourth album by Swedish melodic death metal band, In Flames. The album was released on May 21, 1999 through Nuclear Blast Records. It was the first In Flames album to feature the classic (up until Jesper Stromblad's departure in 2010) line-up, with the addition of Daniel Svensson and Peter Iwers, and Björn Gelotte permanently switching from drummer to rhythm guitarist.

The album deals with various aspects of religion and spirituality, from the somewhat positive light of Embody the Invisible and The New Word, to the more negative Zombie Inc. and Scorn. This album features a faster, tighter, and more energetic approach to the music than displayed on the previous album, Whoracle, though the song-writing approach is similar. A music video was made for Ordinary Story, which was directed by Tamara Jordan.

The track Behind Space '99 is a remake of the track first heard on Lunar Strain, although devoid of its original acoustic guitar outro. The song Embody the Invisible appears in the soundtrack of the video game Tony Hawk's Underground.

The title of The New Word is subject to debate. According to the track list on the back cover of the original 1999 release, the official In Flames web site, and the lyrics printed in the original 1999 CD booklet, the correct title is The New Word; however, according to the heading of the lyrics printed for the song in the original booklet, the track list on the 2004 re-release, and the official Nuclear Blast Records web site, the song is called The New World. The 2009 re-release Colony: Reloaded did nothing to clear up this issue, with the insert and the booklet containing the same inconsistency as the original 1999 release. The song's lyrics themselves, meanwhile, suggest that The New Word is indeed the correct title.

"Pallar Anders Visa" means "The Ballad of Anders the Thief ".
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