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First Released

Calendar Icon 1993


Genre Icon Synthpop


Mood Icon Moody


Style Icon Rock/Pop


Theme Icon ---


Speed Icon ---

Release Format

Release Format Icon Live

Record Label Release

Speed Icon Mute

World Sales Figure

Sales Icon 500,000 copies

Album Description
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Songs of Faith and Devotion Live is Depeche Mode's live album recorded during their worldwide Devotional tour and was released on 6 December 1993.
The album, which featured performances mainly recorded in LiƩvin (France) with two other tracks recorded in Copenhagen (Denmark) and New Orleans, was a track by track live duplicate of the Songs of Faith and Devotion album, which was released earlier in 1993.
Even though live tracks were used for the "Condemnation" single ("Condemnation", "Personal Jesus", "Enjoy the Silence", and "Halo") and the Mute Tonal Evidence 6 tape ("Death's Door"), no song from Milan is available on the album.
This album was not successful commercially. It was one of very few such missteps in the band's long career. Reaching only #46 in the UK, it managed a #193 peak in the U.S., selling a mere 114,000 units there as of April 2006.
A near-complete concert of this tour was released on the Devotional video in 1993, and enjoyed more commercial success.
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