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Computerwelt (1981)

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Computer World (German Language Edition/Alternate Mix: Computerwelt) is the eighth studio album by the German electronic music band Kraftwerk, released in May 1981. The album deals with the themes of the rise of computers within society. Critics see this album as a peak in the career of Kraftwerk, along with The Man-Machine and Trans-Europe Express. The compositions are credited to Ralf Hütter, Florian Schneider, and Karl Bartos.
In keeping with the album’s concept, Kraftwerk showcased their music on an ambitious world tour and issued several different versions of the single "Pocket Calculator" in different languages: namely, German ("Taschenrechner"), French ("Mini Calculateur") and Japanese ("Dentaku," or 電卓). A fifth version, in Italian ("Mini Calcolatore"), was lip-synched to on Italian television in 1981.
As was the case with the two previous albums, Computer World was released in both German and English language editions. The title of the final track is in English in all releases, as it is a pun based on the slogan "It's more fun to compete!" that could be seen on old pinball machines. While not major, it should also be noted that there are a few noticeable differences in the album mixes used on the English and German language releases.
The track "Computer Love" was released as a 7-inch single in the UK, in July 1981, backed with "The Model", from the group's previous album The Man-Machine. The single reached number 36 in the charts. In December 1981 the two songs were reissued as a double A-side 12-inch single, and reached number one on the UK pop charts in February 1982, although "The Model" received the most airplay.
"Computerwelt" was remixed in 1982 as a dance version with additional bass and percussion sounds. It was released in January 1982 as a twelve-inch vinyl single only in Germany. The original track was nominated for a Grammy award in the category of Best Rock Instrumental Performance. "Computer World" was also chosen by the BBC for use in the titles of their UK computer literacy project, The Computer Programme.
Pitchfork Media listed Computer World as 44th best album of the 1980s. Slant Magazine listed the album at #25 on its list of "Best Albums of the 1980's".
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