Album Title

Zero 7

The Garden (2006)

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First Released

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Genre Icon Trip Hop


Mood Icon Good Natured


Style Icon Rock/Pop


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Speed Icon Slow

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Album Description
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The Garden is Zero 7's third studio album. It was released in the United Kingdom on 22 May 2006, and in the United States on 6 June 2006.
The album features vocal performances by José González (on "Futures", "Left Behind", "Today" and "Crosses"), Sia Furler (on "Throw It All Away", "The Pageant of the Bizarre", "You're My Flame", "This Fine Social Scene", "If I Can't Have You", and "Waiting to Die") and Henry Binns (duets with Sia on "Throw It All Away" and B-side "Thistles"; solo on "Your Place"). It sees Zero 7 take a new, more upbeat musical direction, while still maintaining their original sound.
The artwork for the album is by Gideon London and the CD was named after his collage.
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User Album Review
Following two fantastic albums full of warm, supine and easily loveable songs, the duo's third LP at last heralds a slightly new direction.
It's not quite the rock star u-turn made by Air a short while ago, but The Garden does showcases a generally more upbeat sound.
Vocals this time around are taken care of by long time cohort Sia and José the guy from that bouncy ball ad Gonzalez. The contrast between the folky Gonzalez (who supplies four tracks, including a reworking of his own fantastic "Crosses") and the more soulful, upbeat Sia (who guests on three tracks) introduces an interesting contrast, especially Gonzalez who brings some less usual sultriness to the Zero 7 grooves.
There are plenty of links back to previous work of course the usual run of warm synths, Francophile pop melodies, subtle world music influences but in general the band have asserted themselves a little more. They sound all the better for it.

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