Album Title

Pearl Jam

Vs. (1993)

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First Released

Calendar Icon 1993


Genre Icon Grunge


Mood Icon Intense


Style Icon Rock/Pop


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Speed Icon Fast

Release Format

Release Format Icon Album

Record Label Release

Speed Icon Monkeywrench Records

World Sales Figure

Sales Icon 7,000,000 copies

Album Description
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Vs. is the second studio album by the American alternative rock band Pearl Jam, released on October 19, 1993 through Epic Records. After a relentless touring schedule in support of its debut album, Ten (1991), Pearl Jam headed into the studio in early 1993 facing the challenge of following up the commercial success of its debut. The resulting album, Vs., featured a rawer and more aggressive sound compared with the band's previous release. It was the band's first collaboration with producer Brendan O'Brien.
Pearl Jam decided to scale back its commercial efforts for Vs., including declining to produce music videos for any of the album’s singles. Upon its release, Vs. set the record for most copies of an album sold in its first week, a record it held for five years. Vs. occupied the number one spot on the Billboard 200 for five weeks, the longest duration for a Pearl Jam album. The album has been certified seven times platinum by the RIAA in the United States.
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