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Album cover only visible when logged in

Posted: 11 Jan 2022 10:57
Posts: 4
Joined: 2022-01-11

Hi, I just noticed that some album arts are only visible when logged in on the website. An example is:

I see no cover when logged out, but i see it when logged in. What could cause this?

My Emby server is unable to get cover art from the albums where the cover is only visible when logged in...


Posted: 11 Jan 2022 11:07
Posts: 258
Joined: 2020-07-14

Hi, I just noticed that some album arts are only visible when logged in on the website. An example is:

I see no cover when logged out, but i see it when logged in. What could cause this?

My Emby server is unable to get cover art from the albums where the cover is only visible when logged in...


Yep this true for the 'preview thumb' on the album page, it's deliberate to stop people scraping the website. Its just how it works sorry.

Direct image links will work without a login. You can use the API to get the direct image links.

👍 ghastly

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