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there are more artists using this name:
1) Akin is a french progressive/atmospheric metal band, founded in Lyon in 1998. Originally they performed metal band covers (mostly Moonspell, Edge of Sanity and Anathema. In 1999, Akin starts composing its own songs, and in 2000 Adeline Gurtner joins the band as singer : they release their first demo, "Stanzas". With their second demo, "Dreamland", they sign a contract with Sacral Production / H.AR, and soon after they record their first album, "Verse". It features a very melodic and diverse metal, especially with the use of percussions, transverse flute, acoustic guitars and electro elements.

In 2003 they record a new LP, "Forecast", which allows them to tour with bands such as Within Temptation, Dark Tranquility, Epica, Sinergy and The Old Dead Tree.

After an inactive period, the arrival of a new singer, a new drummer and a violinist, they are preparing a second LP.

Formed in Lyon back in the year 1998, AKIN saw it’s five original members confronted to technical difficulties with their digital multitracker. Constant data loss and successive hard disc breakdowns gave them a lot of grief in that it forced them to record the whole content of their first demo four times in a row.

Comparatively, the year 2000 ran very smoothly. It was a landmark for Akin which welcomed in July a female singer, Adeline Gurtner who quickly became a cornerstone of the band. » Stanza » was recorded a couple of months later. Then came the first interviews and articles in various editorials followed by write-ups in national magazines. Amongst the few French record labels which where showing some interest, Akin decided to join Sacral Productions (Hegemon, Belenos, Aes Dana, Hypnosis…) which signed up the band in April 2001.

Akin’s Debut Album («Verse»-Nov.2001)-featuring both drummers Fred Fayolle (Benighted) & Romain Fayet- brings forth a great variety of influences (Heavy metal, Prog’, Atmo’, Death, Pop…) revealing itself as the mere product of the antagonistic yet ,mysteriously enough, compatible musical sensitivities of it’s members. Akin’s endeavour to combine such a vast number of styles has endowed a particular tone to the music through which the melody subtly threads it’s way. Despite this profusion of influences, there remains a number of references shared by all the band members such as Anathema, Moonspell, Tiamat, Paradise Lost …All the songs are poems by E. A. Poe, almost literally: Lenore, A dream within a dream, stanzas, Annabel lee, To one in paradise, Verse…

In 2003 the EP «Forecast» is recorded, after which the band plays several big shows with amongst others Within Temptation, Dark Tranquillity, Sinergy, Epica and The Old Dead Tree. After a period of turmoil caused by health issues, the recording of a new album starts, scheduled for a release in 2005.
Note: their name comes from the English expression "A kind of" that was reduced to Akin."

2) Samwell James, a newcomer future garage producer releasing on Apollo records .
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Last Edit by Mnemesis
04th Sep 2019



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