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Crowd Deterrent

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here's some of the odder facts about everyopne's favorite dysfunctional hardcore band CROWD DETERRENT!

- The original band name was "NEW CASTLE TRASH" when Rob started it at the age of 15
- There was a "Crowd Deterrent Dog", which was owned by ERIC COLTENBA (spelling?), who was a ofrmer singer. He would bring the dog to shows and it wore a hoodie w/ CD logo printed on the back w/ the sleeves cut off.
- There has been an estimated 40 members of the band over the 8 years it has existed (this figure is LOW)
- The metal garbage cans we used to use and throw and hit people with at early shows were actually taken directly off the curb and stolen on garbage nights, never washed out, and used the next night at the show.
- We used an entire mile long spool of barbed wire in Crowd Deterrent related events over the years.
- CD once played 2 shows in one day in 2 different states: one in CANFIELD, OH, the other in BUTLER, PA. both shows ended in total destruction w/ chairs stuck in the ceilings and hemopheliacs going to the hospital.
- The band has been paid no more than 10 times in 8 years of playing shows
- The band changd it's name to "MISERABLE HUMANS" for a few days, there are fliers w/ that name on them
- The band owns NO equipment. Rob and Steve do not own drums or amps and never will.
- CD recorded 1/2 of it's "BLOOD AND FAMILY" album w/ NYHC legend DON FURY at CYCLONE STUDIOS in Coney Island NYC.
- CD has no-showed to more than 1/2 of the shows they have ever scheduled... and played more than 5 songs at less than 10 of the ones they have played in the past 8 years.
- Samoan Rob IS Samoan... not black or mexican as many people have mistaken!
- There have been too many "Final Crowd Deterrent Shows" to count
- Rob's son Aaron is currently in training to play in the band by age 7

We look forward to more thrills, chills, and spills in the years to come!!!
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Last Edit by johnson23
02nd Nov 2016



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