Artist Biography Available in: The Electronica's are a small orchestra from Sint Willebrord in The Netherlands. In 1967 they sign their first record deal with Phonogram, and in August of that year they record "Electronica-polka" followed by an album with no title. Many singles are recorded during the 70s for record label Telstar. None of them makes it into the charts. Their records are frequently played by so-called Pirate stations. When they record a tribute to a local station, called Radio 2000, other stations refuse to play it, but go for the b-side instead: "De Vogeltjesdans". And soon afterwards it became a huge hit. Though never reaching a higher position than 8 in the Dutch charts, it had a chartspan of 29 weeks. All over Europe the record reaches high positions. The song was accompanied by weird dancemoves that were soon seen at many parties. The song originated in Switzerland in 1957 were it was written by Werner Thomas, an accordeonplayer. It was originally called "Der Ententanz" (The Duck Dance). The Electronica's never had another hit after "De Vogeltjesdans". Titles of "De Vogeltjesdans" in other languages: Czech: Ptačí tanec Finnishs: Tiputanssi English: Birdie Song (Chicken Dance) German: Der Ententanz / Vogerltanz French: La Danse des canards Hebrew: ריקוד הציפורים (Rikud Ha'Tsiporim) Icelandic: Fugladansinn Italian: Il ballo del qua qua Norwegian: Fugledansen Portugese: A dança do passarinho Polish: Kaczuszki Russian: Танец маленьких утят Slovenian: Račke Spanish: Pajaritos a bailar / El baile de los pajaritos Swedish: Fågeldansen Hungarian: Kacsatánc Japanese: Okashi Tori