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Wolves at the Gate -
Dead Man
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Wolves at the Gate -
The Harvest
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Wolves at the Gate -
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Wolves at the Gate -
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Hailing from Cedarville, OH, Wolves At The Gate has given a small, quiet town, big, loud rock. Although a combination of five dedicated friends, the line-up originally consisted of just Steve (vocals/guitar) and Ryan (drums) and a series of jam sessions in Steve's living room (since then drummer Dave Nester has joined the band). Before they knew it the scene was abuzz, and the guys were asked to jump on a few local shows. To create a full band Jeremy (guitar) and Ben (bass) were adopted into the WATG family, and soon after an additional vocalist, Colin, was added. Although the band loves to create and play music, they live to "bring Glory to God...we are compelled to love those who we come in contact with regardless of their own personal beliefs, and to share the joy of the salvation that Christ has brought in our lives." But don't you dare shrug them off as a cookie-cutter-Myspace-underOATH-knock-off band. Wolves At The Gate brings on a fresh, original style of music combining catchy rock riffs, tasteful screaming, and even church hymns - not to mention a powerful, Thrice-like vocalist. Besides consistently exceptional musical content, the band's creativity will keep you hooked. -Kim Marshall
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