Most Loved Tracks4 users
Sinergy -
I Spit on Your Grave
4 users
Sinergy -
Suicide by My Side
4 users
Sinergy -
The Sin Trade
4 users
Sinergy -
Midnight Madness
4 users
Sinergy -
Written in Stone
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Sinergy was a Finnish metal band started in 1998 by American musician, Kimberly Goss. Aside from Sinergy, the most notable bands Goss has been involved with are Dimmu Borgir; as keyboardist, and Children of Bodom; where she filled in live for Janne Wirman (keyboards) and also contributed lyrics. The idea for a "balls-out female-fronted metal band" was first formed when Goss met Jesper Strömblad of In Flames whilst on tour with Dimmu Borgir in 1997.
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